Where it all began
After spending 17 years as a full-time firefighter working in South Wales with a 100-mile daily commute, as well as running a construction company dealing in both domestic and commercial refurbishment the 80+ hours a week had taken its toll on both myself and my family.
It was time for a change!
I wanted to find something that I was passionate about, something that made me want to jump out of bed in the morning
Having struggled with the loss of my hair in my late 20’s and with that the devastating affect it had on my confidence, wellbeing and self-esteem in a time when the only solution was an expensive and ultimately unsuccessful hair transplant, I shaved my head and had to deal with it, for years I hated looking in mirror and during that time it had a huge impact on my mental health, unfortunately those around me didn’t understand my struggles so I suffered in silence afraid and embarrassed to admit just how much it affected me.
Hearing about SMP (Scalp Micro Pigmentation) changed my world, was this the solution I had been searching for, would this relatively inexpensive treatment end the years of struggling and give me back the confidence I lost along with my hair?
The answer quite simply is YES! Looking in that mirror for the first time after my treatment is something I will never forget, the thing I hated most about my appearance was no longer there and the guy staring back in the mirror looked younger, stood taller and for the first time in years it looked like shaving my head was a choice not a necessity, now that might sound a bit farfetched but it’s true and I know I am not alone with how losing my hair affected me.
Yes, when you research hair loss on the internet they say, look at all the bald actors and how they play masculine hard man roles, that you should embrace it, hit the gym, gain some muscle and pretend you’re Jason Statham, Vin Diesel or if you’re really lucky the Rock!
Body dysmorphia
The truth is I did hit the gym, I did gain some muscle and yes, I was bigger, stronger but what I saw in the mirror was a big, strong bald guy, don’t get me wrong I was happy with my physique but the real problem for me was the egg that sat on top, and no amount of muscle was going to change that!
Now there is good and bad in most industries and the same can be said for SMP, so after a lot of research I found an artist that delivers fantastic results every time, this being confirmed by him being the current scalp technician of the year at the time of my treatment
At this point what happened I can only describe as life changing!
Not only did I book in to have my SMP done I also booked in to carry out the training. Being trained by the best in the business ensured the best foundation possible for me to start HeadStrong, being able to deliver outstanding results and become one of the best artists not only in the UK but across the globe.
Having spent most of my working life on fire stations and building sites a move to the beauty industry may seem an odd choice but when I say life changing, I mean it.
I felt that in some way I had finally found my calling, I had a passion unlike I had ever felt before, from the start of the training to the end I loved every second and I took to it like a duck to water.
Issues that can affect self-confidence
The thought of being able to change lives on a daily basis, providing the best solution to a problem I knew only too well, knowing just how much hair loss can affect someone and knowing I can help gave me real purpose.
So HeadStrong was born!
HeadStrong is a company born out of passion, committed to delivering life changing results. Since starting my company, I have been continually developing my knowledge and skills which has enabled me to offer not only life changing results for those struggling with hair loss but also to help both men and women with many of the issues that can affect self-confidence, from skin issues to unwanted body hair and tattoos the Headstrong clinic as it is now named aims to give all its clients the confidence they deserve.
Now I understand all the concerns you may have when considering have SMP as I have been there myself. But rather than having to look at photos to see what it looks like, wondering if they have been edited, what it looks like after a year or two you have the added bonus of being able to look at mine and see firsthand the amazing results you will get.
I will answer each and every question you have from a position of experience and understanding giving you all the information that I wish I had before starting my treatment.
I am also there for you every step of the way and long after your treatment, due to spending up to 9 hours with each client we will get to know each other well and I am always at the end of the phone if you have any questions, which is particularly helpful during the treatment process when there are certain things you can and can’t do in the week or so after each session.
Encouraging men to look after their skin
I ensure every client is 100% satisfied as throughout the process it is perfectly normally for clients to want minor adjustments in particular to the shape of the hairline as what is decided on the first session when in reality you probably never saw your hairline with a shaved head and for many clients even if you did it was very likely several years ago.
Also if you just want to come in and have a chat with me to discuss the options whilst you’re considering SMP I am always happy to talk you through the process give you the pros and cons although to be honest the cons are very limited, I never try and force people to have the treatment as it’s a massive decision and every client is different and some people need time to make the decision, although it really will be the best decision you ever make.
In addition to solving hair loss I am also passionate about helping men in particular to think about how they look after their skin, after spending years on a fire station being the only one to use moisturizer and sun protection I feel it's important to try and encourage men to look after their skin, I mean aside from the obvious health benefits of using sun protection the benefits of looking after your skin are huge, surely once you no longer need ID to buy alcohol the goal has to be to look younger, and it really doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive.
Women have been doing this for years whilst men seem to think we don’t have to, yes, a man’s skin is roughly 25% thicker than women’s but that’s about the only difference, personally I wish I’d started taking better care of my skin in my teens so the sooner you start the better.
I want to look as good as I can for as long as I can and that has a direct benefit to how I feel, my self-confidence my mental health, unfortunately another thing that men are notoriously bad at discussing, throughout my life I have seen firsthand the impact that mental health has on individuals and those around them, and I’m not ashamed to say that I have struggled personally.

My business is not just a job but also a passion, I truly want to help people feel and look their best, because I know how you look directly affects how you feel, I am passionate about helping people improve their mental health and as a result do regular charity events to help the incredible charity Andy’s manclub who support guys across the UK and give them a safe and supportive environment for them to openly discuss the personal struggles
Please click the link to read about the challenge I embarked on in the summer